hi, i'm nathan ng

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I'm a postdoctoral research at NYU working with Kyunghyun Cho. I completed my PhD at the University of Toronto while visiting at MIT advised by Marzyeh Ghassemi.

My general research interest is in teaching models to learn to learn. More specifically, I'm interested in developing methods that can directly learn useful algorithms in the form of neural networks, by leveraging strong pre-trained foundation models. I'm most excited about applying this approach to problems in robustness/generalization, uncertainty quantification, training data attribution, and causal inference.

Previously I have spent summers interning at Prescient Design with Kyunghyun Cho, Meta with Naman Goyal, and Google with Narendran Thangarajan. I also spent a year working at Facebook AI Research advised by Michael Auli. I completed my undegraduate degree in Computer Science with minors in Mathematics and Music at UCSD in 2018 advised by Julian McAuley and Zachary Lipton.
